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Susana Pinto

No coração de Inglaterra














“Gosto de cerimónias simples, familiares, descontraídas e com um toque vintage. Gosto do “british kind of way”. Por tudo isto, fiquei encantada com as imagens da cerimónia de Fiona e Zsolt em Costswolds, no pleno coração de Inglaterra.


A fotógrafa Anna Hardy captou a essência deste amor tão descontraído.


Nas suas palavras,  “one of the things I love best about photographs is the effect they can have on you for such a long time… the ones that you can look at hundreds of times and that still make you laugh / smile / well up / gasp every time you look at them years later. These are the sort of photos I always try to grab – those blissful moments of pure beauty, fun, hilarity, excitement and emotion that lift you up and make life so wonderful. “


True and special, don’t you think?


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