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Susana Pinto

Da Islândia, com amor: Maja + Patrick

Hoje trazemos uma paisagem exótica e invernosa: o cenário é tão espectacular que tem a presença de um convidado.

Bem-vindos à Islândia, para um casamento a dois: temos fjords, cascatas, natureza selvagem, glaciares, mas também um incrível vestido e imagens muito, muito felizes, onde a doçura é mais forte que a melancolia escura do local, onde a energia dos elementos se funde nos sorrisos e gestos.

A escolha deste destino e deste formato é explicada de forma lógica e irrefutável, pelos noivos: “We fell in love with Iceland for its romantic melancholy scenery – and its neutrality: with our families being spread all over the world (in China, Germany and the UK) it was impossible to include everybody, so a private wedding followed by receptions seemed the fairest way.”





























As fotografias são de Mait Jüriado, via Utterly Engaged:

“We really fought with the weather, my lenses were constantly full of black sand and it was hard to move on the beach. But, it was so rewarding to see the most happy faces when we ended up on the iceberg fields so called “ice lagoon” in the end of our first day.We drove more than 800km in two days in southern part of Iceland. After every corner the veil of dreams was lifted and we thought this is the mother of core beauty of all. Raw, clean, pure, you feel so small in it that it must be one of the most magical places to get married on earth. Mostly we were just improvising, exploring new places and places I’ve been before, not in a hurry, just enjoying it all despite the weather. Memorable days to remember forever. I’m so happy that I was able to be there with you, Maja and Patrick.”


Dramaticamente bonito, verdade?



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