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Susana Pinto

Leituras de verão…

…ou um par perfeito!


“The Wedding Dress: 300 Years of Bridal Fashions” é o catálogo que acompanhou a magnífica exposição do Victoria & Albert, que terminou em Janeiro:

“This sumptuous book draws on wedding garments in the V&A’s collection, photographs, letters, memoirs, newspaper accounts and genealogical research to explore the history of the wedding dress and the traditions that have developed around it since 1700. It focuses on the white wedding dress, which became fashionable in the early nineteenth century and is now chosen by women across the world. The book considers the way couturiers and designers have challenged and refreshed the traditional white dress and the influence of the wedding industry, whose antecedents lie in the commercialization of the wedding in Victorian Britain. The Wedding Dress is not only about costume, but also about the cultivation of the image of the bride. This book is a glorious tribute to an exquisite, stylish, glamorous gown, the romance of its evolution and the splendour of its design.”



Está tudo dito, certo? Podem encontrá-lo na minha loja online favorita (com portes grátis), a Book Depository, por 32,45 euros.


Para lhe fazer companhia, este “Penguin’s Poems for Weddings”, pareceu-me mais do que perfeito… Até as capas ficam bonitas juntas, partilham a mesma atmosfera delicada e etérea.

“This is a wonderful anthology of wedding poems, filled with surprising, curious, unorthodox and charming poems about love and the public commitment to love. For the many thousands of readers who have been delighted by Laura Barber’s earlier anthologies, this wonderful new book is filled with surprising, curious, unorthodox and charming poems about love and the public commitment to love. It is a book to be referred to constantly and, like Penguin’s Poems for Love, it belongs on the short shelf of truly essential anthologies. For the many thousands of readers who each year go through the complex mix of thrill and trauma that is the planning of a marriage ceremony, Laura Barber’s anthology is the answer to a prayer, with a wonderfully generous and unusual selection of poems suitable for reading out loud and which celebrate and encapsulate in all our bewildering diversity how we wish to express our deepest feelings.”



Também na Book Depository, com o simpático preço de 17,55 euros.

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