E mais 3 bonitos livros para a cabeceira!
Por estes dias, já ando a pensar nos livros que vou ler daqui a umas semanas, nas minhas tão desejadas férias que estão ao virar da esquina…
Pegando no artigo de há bocadinho, junto mais estes três livros lindos (um deles já tive o prazer de o oferecer, bonito por fora, giro por dentro), também editados pelo V&A.
As capas são de tecido, o tamanho, pequenino, e a paginação uma delícia… tudo a condizer com o conteúdo!
“A to Z of Wedding Style: V&A Fashion Style Guides”
“Compiled by Kate Bethune, it brings together style tips, pithy advice and engaging opinions in a beautiful book that will make a perfect present for anyone getting ready for a wedding, or indeed recovering from one. (…) Concentrating on wedding style, but also featuring thoughts on etiquette and history, this book captures some of the abiding wisdom and witticisms that surround the Happy Day.”
“First published in 1905, Walter Crane’s beautifully illustrated poem tells the delightful story of a wedding day. This beautiful facsimile edition, makes a perfect wedding, engagement or Valentine’s gift.”
“The Art of Being a Well-Dressed Wife”
“You’ve walked down the aisle with the man of your dreams, now what? In this style guide from the 50s, American fashion designer Anne Fogarty reveals the secrets of ‘wife-dressing’ – the art of looking chic on all occasions, be it at a cocktail party, on the tennis pitch or in the boudoir.
Fogarty’s straight-talking advice, for both newly weds and long devoted wives, covers everything from the wearing of tweeds in the city to what to put on when you’re cleaning the house. Illustrated with Fogarty’s stylish drawings and 1950s fashion photography from John French, this handbag-sized guide contains all the advice and inspiration you need to make you one half of the the happiest and hippest couple in town. Bound in real pink cloth with a ribbon marker and pretty endpapers.”
Todos por menos de 9 libras, na loja online do Victoria & Albert Museum.
Uma delícia em tamanho de bolso!
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