Bastante fantástico!
Michelle+ Mat, via Style me Pretty, decor de Bash, Please.
Os convites são maravilhosos, a decoração festiva e muito bem disposta, tudo transpira frescura e boa disposição (repararam nas sandálias e verniz da noiva…?)
Ideia perfeita, explicada pela noiva:
“On the day of the wedding, the natural setting was so dreamy: sunlight peeking through trees, leaves rustling in the soft wind. Matt and I can come back at any time in our lives to hike or picnic and say with giddy nostalgia, “Hey, remember when we got married here?!”
Everyone kept telling us that the wedding was so us, which to me, is the best possible compliment. We incorporated details that made us excited and left out those that didn’t. Our first dance was to the Glee version of “My Life Would Suck Without U.” We sang a “first song”(our own rendition of Adam Sandler’s “Grow Old With You”).
(…) This is everything I envisioned and more.”
Aposto que nunca se tinham lembrado deste detalhe (eu, sei que não…!)… casar num sítio onde se pode voltar facilmente, namorar, passar a noite e celebrar uma memória tão especial.
Muito bonito, verdade…?