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Susana Pinto

Uma noiva fashion forward

O eye candy de hoje pertence à Erdem.

Estou maravilhada com estas transparências, flores e cortes vagamente esquisitinhos, algo geométrico, algo feminino, algo discreto, algo assertivo… Adoro!






Vestido Lourdes, por 3290 euros, túnica Finley, por 797,50 euros, combinada com calças e casaco, vestido Caldwell, por 3174,50 euros e vestido Carenza, por 1574 euros, tudo no Net-a-Porter, e com 30% de desconto.


E os sapatinhos da última foto…? São Nicholas Kirkwood + Roksanda Illincic, por 650 euros.


Susana Pinto

We are family!

Há umas semanas descobri esta bonita revista digital italiana, Say Yep,  e o número 4 é de uma doçura absoluta.

O tema desta edição é “We are family” e traz uma das produções mais deliciosas de sempre.


Passem pelo S Baby para ver as nossas escolhas!


Susana Pinto

Casamentos, Vogue style

Sabiam que a Vogue digital tem toda uma secção sobre casamentos e assuntos afins?

Tem sim, e mesmo sendo um universo bastante paralelo ao nosso (mais em termos de valores, do que ideias, que aí, estamos bem à frente!), encontrei alguns comentários inspirados e bons conselhos a pôr em prática, como estes:


“Make sure your guests have a great time! Feed them a great meal promptly after cocktails, monitor the noise level of the band—no matter what your age, nobody likes to go deaf at a wedding—and skip the extravagant flowers on the tables. Keep them small and simple—they will allow your guests to see each other and talk. And, finally, never, ever compromise on your dress!”


Jorden Bickham, Senior Fashion Editor




“I’m a big believer in assigned seating at dinner. It’s fun to seat people who you think have similar interests and will get along next to each other (especially if there are multiple singles in attendance!). Additionally, it makes it so much less confusing for your guests. I hate arriving at dinner and not knowing where to sit or whom to sit next to. The best way to do it? Get a laminated seating plan and Post-It notes in pink and blue (male and female) with each guest’s name written on them. Then, seat boy, girl, boy, girl, and finally, do not place people next to their significant others (you see your other half plenty; branch out and meet someone new!).”


Sylvana Ward Durrett, Vogue Director of Special Projects





“Write a list of photos you know you want taken, and give it to the photographer in advance. There are so many people, it’s easy to forget someone. I don’t have a single photo of my husband and me alone with my parents. We had so many relatives and friends wanting to be in the pictures, we forgot to take the most basic one!”


Rickie De Sole, Vogue Accessories Director.


Tudo, aqui.