Casamento nos Açores: Kristin + Nolan
Esta semana voamos até à ilha São Miguel, para um belíssimo casamento nos Açores. É o mais bonito dos dias da Kristin + Nolan, amigos e família, vindos dos Estados Unidos. A organização cuidada e toda a decoração ficou (e muito bem) nas mãos da dupla Cátia Leandro e João Gomes, da Plano A – Organização de Eventos.
Prestem atenção às palavras da Kristin, sobre a ideia de ter um destination wedding. Há, de facto, uma magia imensa nesta forma de celebrar o amor.
Os factores principais são imensos e com peso, nem sempre fáceis de gerir: abdicar de um plano muito detalhado, focarmo-nos no fundamental, gerir à distência, largar o controle. O prémio é a presença das nossas pessoas e de todo esse amor, a experiência vivida durante três dias com elas, a energia feliz e contagiante partilhada a tempo inteiro, focada, presente, o que lhes podemos proporcionar enquanto casal, como mensagem do que significam para nós, na nossa vida, e o que elas nos dão de volta, essa resposta de amor incondicional, generoso, autêntico.
Nós, viajantes e descobridores, regressamos a casa para casar, incondicionalmente. Será altura de pormos os olhos no horizonte e voarmos? No mínimo, é tentador!
Bom fim-de-semana!
When the answer was “yes!”, how did you imagine your day?
Our main hope was to have a weekend where our friends and families could escape from their daily lives and get to immerse themselves in a new experience together and get to know each other over a few days. We wanted it to feel organic and filled with natural beauty and allow conversation and love and relaxation to flow.
Did you feel prepared or was it a nerve-racking journey?
It was slightly nerve racking to give up an element of control by having a destination wedding! But I think giving up some control was healthy! It was absolutely the best thing for us, and we recommend to all of our friends to consider doing it the same way. It helped us enjoy the process, the people, and the weekend so much more to not feel focused in on the outcome of particular details that weren’t high priority for us and to primarily live the experience.
At what point of the wedding planning did you feel, “this is for real”?
When we got on the plane…? We got engaged 16 months before the wedding, so all that time and our physical distance from the venue led it to not feel quite “for real” until we started meeting up with friends and family at the airport! It felt pretty special to take up a large portion of a plane with our friends and family and really helped kick off the fun of our wedding.
Is the result true to the initial ideas or is it very different? Did you have any help?
Absolutely true and better. Our wedding planners, Catia and João from Plano A Eventos took into account our vision via some Instagram photos I shared with them, and they made it mesh beautifully with our venue. And our rehearsal dinner turned out better than we could have imagined! We found the venue on TripAdvisor because it looked like a beautiful space for outdoor dining, and we were fortunate that they were also open to catering and creating décor and booking live music for us! We were so happy to also get to integrate Azorean food into the evening.
What was fundamental to you? And unimportant?
Creating a warm and inviting contemporary vibe, an amazing photographer who was skilled at capturing candid moments, the color scheme, delicious healthy food and open bar, and keeping things affordable. We weren’t particular on details or personally vetting details about vendors as we trusted and relied on our wedding planners for that.
What was easier? And what was more difficult?
It was surprisingly easier than expected to find and book the major things we cared about. We picked our venue and photographer before we picked our wedding planners (yay for the internet and Instagram!), and had also had a restaurant in mind for catering. A more difficult aspect was that the restaurant fell through at a time that felt late in the game to us, so we felt a little stressed that we might not have food at our wedding! Our wedding planners were on top of working that out, and it ended up working out likely better than our original plan.
What was the sentimental peak of your day?
Our ceremony. We wrote the ceremony ourselves and integrated many friends and family throughout the ceremony, from officiating, playing guitar and singing, to readings and prayers. We also each wrote something that we read aloud to each other during the ceremony in addition to vows we recited in common, and we didn’t quite realize ahead of time how touching that would be to each of us and to everyone there.
And the peak of fun?
As soon as the ceremony started, we were both so joy-filled. Our reception when literally all of our guests were packed onto the dance floor and rocked out was a pretty magically fun moment.
A special detail…
Hugo, our DJ, asked us the night before the wedding what song we’d like to walk into the reception to. It was a detail we weren’t too particular about, but we had fun spending ten minutes together picking out a song and chose Crazy in Love by Beyonce. It was a really fun vibe and moment when we walked out and we spontaneously broke out into dance together on the dance floor once we got out there. Most of our guests thought we had put tons of time into planning and choreographing it!
Now that it has happened, would you change anything?
Not a thing. We feel very lucky to be able to say that!
Some words of advice for upcoming brides…
Have a destination wedding! It’s a great opportunity to have a vacation with your favorite people, and takes away a lot of the stress of managing small details and allows you to focus on planning things that are important to you—for us, it was planning a whale watching excursion for our guests the days before the wedding. Instagram is a great source for finding the big pieces, like a wedding planner/photographer/venue. Also, don’t put too much pressure on yourself. I think it’s natural to want to create the perfect time for both you/your husband-to-be as well as for all of your friends and family, but that idea can easily turn into a burden. I couldn’t help but feel stressed in the days before we had specifically scheduled events because I worried about meeting everyone’s needs. But our guests seemed very happy to not have their entire trip managed for them to allow them time on their own to explore. I came to realize that everyone coming to your wedding has low expectations for how much free time the bride and groom will have to spend with them, and they are just so happy to be there for you, so you can’t really mess that up.
Os fornecedores escolhidos:
convites, materiais gráficos decoração e bouquet da noiva: Plano A – Organização de Eventos;
espaço para casamento: Convento de Sao Francisco, jantar de véspera na Quinta das Furnas;
catering: Primos Ferreira;
bolo dos noivos: Beliciosos;
fato do noivo e acessórios: fato Hugo Boss, sapatos Steve Madden;
vestido de noiva e acessórios: vestido Pronovias, sapatos Gianni Bini;
makeup da noiva: a própria;
cabelo: Susana Couto;
fotografia: Golden Days Photography;
Lights, sound and Dj: Amplisom e DJ Huguinho the King (Hugo Rei).