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Susana Pinto

Os melhores conselhos, parte 23


The Flashdance é um grupo de profissionais imensamente criativos (Our labor of love, Max Wanger, Ashley Meaders entre outros) que trabalham em equipa com este “nome artístico”.

Para um guest post no Snippet & Ink, fizeram esta fantástica lista de do’s and don’ts, que merece muito ser partilhada… ora vejam:


para as fotografias:

“when choosing your photographer DON’T base your selection on their website. you should see at least 5 full weddings from their portfolio. DO ask them how many weddings they shot last year (the number alone is not an indicator but it will give you some insight) and then (and some photographers will hate us for this one) choose a random saturday from august / september / or october of last year, or 2 years ago and tell them you would like to see a reference from that client, or to be introduced to them over e-mail to ask them about their experience.

if you want getting ready shots DO have the hotel clean your room before the photographer arrives! (or a friend/relative if it’s not in a hotel) it’s hard enough to find a good shot in a clean hotel room, DON’T leave water bottles, a messy bed, or last nights room service laying around! Fellas, DON’T get one shot of you tying your tie and call it a day DO have a local old school barber give you a straight razor shave and get photos of that (think old western!)

if you want a bunch of creative portraits, DON’T try to squeeze them in during the 20 minutes after your ceremony. if you want to see each other before you say “i do” DO IT! DO set aside an hour before the ceremony. you’ll get the photos you want and you’ll be more relaxed before the ceremony.

if eloping is more your style, DON’T let your families pressure you into having a 300 person wedding in a ballroom. DO compromise and have an intimate affair in a backyard. or run off to hawaii and invite your closest friends and family to join you. or just elope!”

para a música:

” DO ask your dj/band for recordings or videos of them performing. if your dj or band doesn’t have a cd with their work on it, or a video of them performing DON’T work with them. bonus points for live recordings at a wedding! anyone can make a perfect mix with computer software these days (or in the studio in the case of a band) a live recording is very telling! (extra tip) most people don’t know this… if you want to have a crazy danceparty at your wedding, you guys need to DANCE the whole time! if you are at the bar or chatting at a table that is what your guests are going to do… decide what kind of party you want and plan accordingly.

if you want the dinner music to be a comfortable volume DO seat your most rowdy friends close to the dj and speakers DON’T seat your older relatives anywhere near the dj or band as they will complain during dinner and give the performer(s) bad vibes which is NOT a good start to the night… (your idea of a comfortable volume and grandma’s idea are worlds apart)

if you’re not a fan of slow dancing with everyone you know watching you, DON’T have five drinks and stumble through it… DO the swaying hug dance together and whisper in each other’s ears for 1 minute (it’s really cute) and have your dj/mc ask all of the guests to join you for the rest. this will also get half of the room on their feet and on the dance floor which is a pretty good starting point for a rowdy party!”

para a decoração e evento:

“When it comes to décor for your wedding, DON’T try to incorporate every single idea you’ve seen on the blogs. DO stick with elements that keep your wedding consistent in style and design….and always remember that less is more!

DON’T stick with traditions that make you uncomfortable just because you feel you have to. DO think outside the box and do what feels right…if you want to read out of a Dr. Seuss book for your wedding vows, then DO IT!

DON’T give up on finding that perfect location…you’ll know it when you see it. DO keep looking and remember that you probably won’t find it if you type “wedding venues” in Google.

If you haven’t spoken or seen a person in over 10 years and they are on the guest list, DON’T stress out about not inviting them. DO spend your time and money on throwing an incredible party for your close friends and family.”

para o video:

“DO have footage shot of your wedding ceremony, but DON’T shoot the entire thing uncut. why? because no one, INCLUDING YOU will want to watch it in the future. a wedding, at it’s best, is a ceremony of love, and it can be very powerful. i’ve spoken to so many couples who describe the experience as somewhat out of time and abstract. they say that it seemed like their guests disappeared, that there was only their very soon to be spouse standing across from them. anyway, it’s very profound if you ask me. it’s precious no doubt, but that doesn’t mean that it can be captured in that way with real time video. if this ceremony truly is an experience that transcends normal perception, how can you expect the ones and zeros of a stupid video camera to sufficiently perceive this transformative and magical string of moments? try to think of your wedding day as a music video, NOT a movie!”

para a photomaton:

“if you get props for the smilebooth DON’T buy every cheap 70′s costume prop at the party store DO rent 2 amazing props that will look good together from your local vintage shop, or go to some thrift stores and buy a couple of awesome pieces which will make a great keepsake!

DON’T hide the smilebooth in a corner! nobody is going to go out of their way to find something that they probably don’t even know is there. DO put it right in the middle of the reception… it will contain all of that incredible energy in the same room as the danceparty. sometimes the smilebooth will clear the dancefloor but if it is in the same room they will all be dancing in front of the camera and will come back after that round of photos is over.”

É um verdadeiro best of, não vos parece? Menos é mais, all over again!

Bom fim de semana!

Susana Pinto

“And the winner is…”

Anunciamos hoje o resultado do nosso giveaway do Caderno de Recortes!

E caramba, foi muito renhida e dificílima a tarefa de seleccionar a melhor frase, porque, para nosso espanto (algum, é verdade!), houve bastante adesão e de qualidade. Terão sido inspirados pela delicadeza dos recortes e desenhos da Célia Fernandes…?

Para verem a nossa aflição, a Célia resolveu criar 2 menções honrosas, e assim teremos 3 meninas redondas a viajar para novas casas… Uma emoldurada e duas à janela!



O Diogo Guerreiro leva para casa a menina redonda original, na sua moldura. A “frase” vencedora é/são:

“Tenho uma menina no meu coração:

É branca e redonda como um lindo balão!

Está em paz! É feliz! Como não?!?

É a Menina Redonda que vive no meu Simplesmente Branco coração!

No Coração Simplesmente Branco?

Sim, a Menina Redonda que eu gosto tanto!

Vou dar-lhe todo o amor do mundo,

Como num filme a preto e branco!

Gosto dela mesmo assim:

Menina Redonda de olhar doce sem fim!

Simplesmente Branco,

Quero-a assim só para mim!

Sim, Sim 😉

Para a Vânia;)”


Para o júri, o esforço, empenho e a dedicatória (ele concorre para oferecer a ela… que bonito!) pesaram muito!


O Hugo Cunha e a Joana Teixeira vão receber em casa a Tinymini e a Tyniwinnie, duas meninas redondas da série À Janela.


O Hugo optou por “menos é mais”, com a frase:

“A menina, redonda. O noivo, um espanto. A cor do enlace, Simplesmente Branco”

E a Joana, por um momento sonhador:

“No dia 11/11/06 tornei-me uma menina redonda, mas o vestido que me cobria não era simplesmente branco, não! Foi cozido com as linhas de uma amizade de infância, forrado com um amor surpreendente e inesperado e usado com uma vaidade e certeza de quem estava muito feliz e segura de que seria para sempre. Continuo a ser uma menina redonda, continuo feliz e segura mas o vestido, esse, agora cobre o meu coração. “

E podíamos continuar por aqui com frase bonitas, sonhadoras, doces! Obrigado por terem participado deste modo, convido-vos a tornarem-se visitas frequentes do Caderno de Recortes, onde todos os dias brotam meninas delicadas e cidades imaginárias!

Os três felizes contemplados irão receber as meninas redondas por correio. Dêem-nos feedback quando elas chegarem a casa, combinado?


Susana Pinto

Wow Factor




Wow factor indeed!

Cores maravilhosas (rosa e ouro, em qualquer tonalidade, são sempre apostas ganhas!), peças especiais e uma abordagem experimental… gosto muito, inspira-me, dá-me vontade de entrar na Sephora ou na Mac e deixar-me tentar pelas cores… e vocês?

Fotografia via Style me Pretty, anel (lindo…!) Macha Jewlery e make up da fantástica Jessica Tarazi, via Creature Conforts.


Susana Pinto

Boas ideias


Hoje, mais uma óptima ideia, com um potencial bastante apetitoso (eu já estou a imaginar muitas variantes para os abat-jours, com fitas, cores, lãs, texturas, até papel…!)

Pelas mãos da menina do site Luna & Chloe, a Kris, ficam estas imagens: uma mesa de doces, que pode ser de queijos, salgados, natalícia, scones, o que quiserem!

Quando se dispõem as peças em alturas, automaticamente nasce um set up mais interessante, mais dinâmico e apelativo… se a isso juntarem pratos de cor, ou outros adereços, o resultado será excelente, tenham apenas atenção a uma regra importante, se não a única… tenham um conceito e logo, um fio condutor… a magia acontece!




Tem graça, não tem?